Fire Smart Info

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Consultation has concluded

July 2, 2021

There are 551 wildfires burning in the province right now and we only have to look to our neighbors in Lytton to see how very high the wildfire danger is right now. Wildfire is a danger to our forests and wildlife and a danger to communities through interface fires. This is why we are asking you, our residents and visitors, to be extra vigilant in practicing fire safety here at home and when you are outside enjoying beautiful British Columbia. Respect the fire ban and don’t smoke along trails or in the backcountry. And now is not the time to use your chainsaw anywhere near combustible materials. The Village of Harrison Hot Springs is a FireSmart Community and we encourage you to review these Tips and Facts and to undertake an easy self-serve Risk Assessment of your property if you are a homeowner. We can all do more to make our community safer from wild fires!

This message is endorsed by the Harrison Hot Springs Fire Department

July 2, 2021

There are 551 wildfires burning in the province right now and we only have to look to our neighbors in Lytton to see how very high the wildfire danger is right now. Wildfire is a danger to our forests and wildlife and a danger to communities through interface fires. This is why we are asking you, our residents and visitors, to be extra vigilant in practicing fire safety here at home and when you are outside enjoying beautiful British Columbia. Respect the fire ban and don’t smoke along trails or in the backcountry. And now is not the time to use your chainsaw anywhere near combustible materials. The Village of Harrison Hot Springs is a FireSmart Community and we encourage you to review these Tips and Facts and to undertake an easy self-serve Risk Assessment of your property if you are a homeowner. We can all do more to make our community safer from wild fires!

This message is endorsed by the Harrison Hot Springs Fire Department