Official Community Plan Survey 1
Harrison Hot Springs’ Community Vision
Help shape the future of Harrison Hot Springs!
What are your priorities?
Guided by the Local Government Act, an Official Community Plan (OCP) is a high-level document containing policies and objectives that Council and staff use as a guide on a variety of issues. Issues such as land use planning, development permit areas, environmental policies, the potential locations of future parks and outlining civic infrastructure investment.
The current OCP was created in 2007 and is now 15 years old. It’s time to review the plan to ensure that the current community values are in line with the current vision and goals of the plan.
Current OCP
The current Vison Statement is as follows:
“A residential and resort community with an attractive and inviting Village core of shops and services. A strong commitment to maintaining the scenic qualities, the environment, the quality of life and the vibrant and cultural life combined with a high standard of development.”
Village of Harrison Hot Springs OCP Bylaw #864
The Vision Statement is complemented by the following 10 goals:
Goal 1: Provide efficient, equitable and affordable public services.
Goal 2: Establish a distinct, pedestrian‐oriented Village centre with a range of commercial services.
Goal 3: Develop tourism and recreation features and activities for the benefit of residents and visitors.
Goal 4: Protect views of the lake and the surrounding mountains.
Goal 5: Protect and maintain air and water quality and biodiversity.
Goal 6: Promote compatible residential and tourism development and community relationships.
Goal 7: Manage traffic and parking and promote transportation alternatives.
Goal 8: Provide for a mix of housing types for all ages and incomes.
Goal 9: Restore and protect Miami River and related aquatic systems.
Goal 10: Reduce community greenhouse gas emissions.
Village of Harrison Hot Springs OCP Bylaw #864
What will the plan be reviewing?
The OCP review will be reviewing the following components that make up an Official Community Plan.
The driving force behind the creation of an OCP is the Vision Statement and the subsequent goals. It is important to ensure that the community has provided input into the creation of both the Vision Statement and the associated goals.
Throughout the OCP review process there will be various points where the community can provide input into the project. This Visioning Survey is the starting point where you can get involved in the planning process.
This short survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. We appreciate your feedback!
We are looking forward to hearing from YOU, our residents and business operators. There’s no age limit on this important discussion. Whether you’re a senior citizen or a youth still at school, your opinion counts.
Responses to this survey will be accepted until February 28, 2022.